lundi 1 septembre 2014


Hey Folks, 
Today I am talking about my trip in Sandhamn (litteraly the harbour of sand). You can reach this island from Stockholm by boat, which will cost you 300:- for the round trip (around 35€). 

There are storys of ghosts and murders in the Island. Even a movie was made about it. When you get off the boat, it is like being in the little harbour with a "city" next to it. But actually, not a all, there is only few summer houses, and then the forest. Take time to get lost there, you will find private beaches, big villas and incredible views. I felt free in this island, even though it is a little one, I don't know you fell like nothing can reach you. Except helicopters and big yatchs, because yes, during summer a lot of people are going there so I thing it is a completly different atmosphere than in May (when i've been there) .

 On the way back to Stockholm, you will pass by the amusement park "Gröna lund", 30 different rides, concerts and so on. I've never been there, but from outside it looks so cute *_*

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